Staying Comfy, Staying Productive (pt. 1)
Like so many other people across the globe, part of our staff has been relocated to work from home and give out a helping hand in the name of health. But that hasn't stopped them in giving out their best and adapting to this new atmosphere.
We spoke to some of them to know what keeps them healthy, comfortable, creative and making the most out of their new “home office”, as well as hoping it will inspire and help you out during this time.
// Like many other people around the world, part of our team has relocated to work from home with the intention of helping everyone's health. But this has not limited them from giving their best and adapting to this new atmosphere.
We spoke with some of them to find out what keeps them sane, comfortable, creative and making the most of their “home office”, and we hope to inspire and help you during this time.
- What's your favorite spot to work from home?
// What is your favorite place to work from home?
or: I love working in my living room, just beside the terrace.
// I love working in my living room, it's right next to the terrace.
- What hobbies or activities are you developing right now?
// What hobbies or activities are you currently pursuing?
or: These days I've been working on a personal illustration project, I spend part of my time trying new techniques for my work and creating concepts that can take me to a creative outcome in my work and personal life. Also, I've been learning about mixology, it's been one of my latest passions.
// These days I've been working on personal illustration projects. I spend part of my time trying out new techniques for my work and creating concepts that lead me to give them a creative direction for work and personal projects. I've also been learning about mixology, it's been one of my most recent passions.
- What do you normally wear while doing home office?
// What do you normally use while working from home?
- O: I like to wear comfy clothes, fresh pants and tees. // I like to wear comfortable clothes, fresh pants and t-shirts.
-What series have you been watching lately?
// What series have you been watching lately?
-O: 'Mr. Robot'
-What's your daily routine?
// What is your daily routine?
-O: Right after waking up I drink a cup of coffee while checking on my activities and projects for the day. My working dynamics are very different each day so I've learned to adapt to unexpected events.
// The first thing I do when I wake up is drink a cup of coffee while I check my activities and projects for the day. The dynamics of my work are very different every day so I have learned to adapt to unexpected events.
-What's your favorite drink to work with?
// What is your favorite drink to work with?
-O: Whiskey Sour.
- What's your favorite spot to work from home?
// What is your favorite place to work from home?
T: My living room. It has plenty of space and a large window that lets in a very cool, natural light during the day. I'm a very stay-at-home person since I was little and I always wanted to have a comfy place to work from home. My style of decoration is very eclectic and spontaneous, I can spend hours and hours there.
// My living room. It is very spacious and has a large window that lets in natural light, which is great. I have been a homebody since I was little and I always wanted to have a cozy and comfortable space to work in. My decoration is a bit eclectic and spontaneous, I think that is where many ideas come from, I can spend hours and hours there.
-What do you normally wear while doing home office?
// What do you normally use while working from home?
T: I like to be comfortable and fresh. Normally I wear some denim and a loose tee, chukka boots, loafers or sneakers. I have to put some makeup on or my brain starts thinking it's Sunday.
// I like to be comfortable and cool. Maybe denim pants and a loose-fitting t-shirt, chukka boots, loafers or tennis shoes. I put on a little makeup because otherwise my brain thinks it's Sunday.
- What hobbies or activities are you developing right now?
// What hobbies or activities are you currently pursuing?
T: I'm trying to find my own style and technique on illustration, also cooking has been one of my favorite activities, I always try to make something I've never done before. I can spend a lot of time on this but I really enjoy it at the end. Additionally I spend part of my spare time working in personal projects, I'm always doing something although sometimes I just rest.
// I'm trying to find my own technique and style of illustration; cooking has also become one of my favorite activities, I try to prepare something I've never made before; it can take me a long time to cook something delicious but in the end I really enjoy it. I also work on personal projects in my free time, I'm always doing something, although sometimes I just rest.
-What series have you been watching lately?
// What series have you been watching lately?
T: I'm not watching any series right now, I'm more into documentaries. I've just finished 'Birth of the Cool' by Miles Davis. I love French & Film Noir. I'm also into gardening and cooking tutorials or anything that inspires me and makes me feel more creative.
// I'm not watching series right now, I'm more of a fan of documentaries. I just finished watching Miles Davis' 'Birth of the Cool'. I really like watching French and Film NoiR. I also watch a lot of gardening and cooking tutorials or anything that inspires me and makes me creative.
-What's your daily routine?
// What is your daily routine?
T: To start the day I put the first song that comes to my mind on high volume and take a shower. I make myself some coffee and that's when I really wake up. I plan my activities for the day, these home office days have been for planning, design and inspiration. Duke (my dog) and my plants are always by my side; everyday learning something new, that's why I love what I do. From 5pm onwards I try to focus on myself, I cook, I plan the next day, I talk with my parents, spend some time with my dog, take a shower and read or watch something on the internet until I fall asleep.
// To start the day, I play the first song that comes to mind loudly while I take a shower. I make my coffee and that's when I really wake up. I organize my activities and to-dos for the day. When I work at home, it's to plan, design, and get inspired in my quiet space with Duke (my dog) and my plants. I learn something new every day, which is why I really enjoy what I do. Starting at five in the afternoon, I try to focus on myself, I cook and plan the next day, I write to my parents, I go out to tire my dog out on my bike, I take a shower to rest in bed reading or watching anything on the internet until I feel sleepy.
-What's on your playlist lately?
// What's on your playlist lately?
T: My musical taste is very mixed! I can start my day listening to something very calm like Ella Fitzgerald, Stan Getz or Sufjan Stevens, followed by some drama with Rocio Durcal and I can ended up with some “Banda” music, that genre doesn't escape from my playlist. I don't have any guilty pleasure, I really enjoy all types of music. Fun fact, each project has a special song attached to it, the project we're working right now is being made with “The Garden of Presents” from Invisible.
// Oh, my taste is quite mixed. In the same day I listen to something super calm like Ella Fitzgerald, Stan Getz or Sufjan Stevens followed by some drama with Rocío Dúrcal and finishing with some band that never escapes my playlist. I don’t have any guilty pleasures, I really enjoy music a lot. Fun fact; every project I work on brings a song with it, this one that is coming up is cooking with “El Jardín de los Presentes” by Invisible.
-What's your favorite drink to work with?
// What is your favorite drink to work with?
T: Coffee and wine
// Coffee and wine